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I met Anna a few years ago one December night.  My roommate invited some friends over to help decorate the tree and hang out for the evening.   His friend ended up bringing a few of her friends, one happened to be Anna Farmer.  As the night progressed Anna and I never really talked.  I’m a pretty shy person until you get to know me but the whole night, I just thought this girl was pretty cute.  I never ended up gaining the courage to ask her out or even talk to her for that matter.  However, a few days later I heard I wasn’t the only one to think someone was good looking at that party…

On December 7, 2008 (2 days later) I sent Anna a message simply saying it was nice meeting her and hope she had fun at the party.  And even though Anna says she sent this nice, cute message back to me saying she had fun and would like to get together….In reality, she never actually responded. 

About 9 months later I was running around the track upstairs at the local gym.  As I was running, I saw the HU cheer team down below in the gym.  This girl caught my eye right away and she looked extremely familiar.  As I continued to run a few more laps than usual to get a few more glimpses at this girl.  I even took an unnecessary amount of trips past the gym to the water fountain so I could continue to look at her.  I remembered where I saw her and that night I texted a mutual friend to get some information about this girl I couldn’t stop looking at. 

A week later I had my first date with my future wife.  Our first date was great.  And every date only got better (except the 2nd date-little awkward)☺   After 8 months of dating I was telling my friends and family that she could be the one and that I had fallen in love with her. 

Our relationship has only continued to get better.  Anna and I grow closer every day I feel.  I never thought I would meet a girl and get attached so fast and for that to only get stronger over the last 3 ½ years amazes me.   Anna truly is my best friend and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.  She is my everything and I can honestly say I love her more than I did yesterday.​​

​Through His Eyes (written by Jordan)

I never thought that a spontaneous invitation to a Christmas party could lead to meeting my husband. It was right before Christmas break at college and I tagged along with girlfriends to help some guys decorate their Christmas tree. While we were trimming the tree, Jordan was on the couch, watching us without saying a word. I remember thinking, “He is cute!” After giving him a few flirtatious glances, I became annoyed because he didn’t respond and gave up, thinking he wasn’t interested. “Too shy for me, anyway” I said to myself, a bit peeved my usual ‘moves’ weren’t working on this one.

It was a whole year after we met that he asked for my number. He threw me off guard by calling to ask for a date instead of texting me, like usual guys his age. I was impressed by his courage and I said yes…with a few conditions. I purposely planned to have dinner with friends after our date, just in case Jordan turned out to be a dud. After only 10 minutes into the date I wished that I had never made those plans.

We talked over peppermint mochas at a local coffee shop and I couldn’t help but notice the cute way his cheeks flushed when he got excited, the infectious laugh he gave when he thought something was funny, or the way he seemed truly interested in everything I had to say. That night, on our first date, I learned that what I needed more than a talker, was a listener.

We made the 2nd date before we even finished our first.  I felt so alive and energetic just from talking with him and it wasn’t the espresso causing these feelings—I couldn't get enough! Our talks grew longer and our relationship stronger. I never knew what I needed until I found it in Jordan. Kind, generous, and patient, he is strong in the areas where I am weak and he is constantly challenging me, making me a better person.

He is my greatest fan and my toughest adversary, my ally in conflict, comrade in adventure, my lover and my best friend. I can't wait to see what Jordan shows me next...that I didn't even know I needed.

​Through Her Eyes (written by Anna)

 "My greatest fan and my toughest adversary, my ally in conflict, comrade in adventure, my lover and my best friend."

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